Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Are You a Noun or a Verb?

I can remember from my earliest school days the difference between a noun and a verb. a noun is a person, place or thing and a verb is an action word like run or jump.

When we come to the point of faith and trust in Jesus and His work on the cross we are a new creation, the old is passed away. We are saved. We are set free from the bonds of sin and death.


Now what? We had only to believe for this change to occur. Do we have to do anything to stay saved? What if we are suppossed to do something and don't do it and Jesus comes back? Are we unsaved? How do we know?

Fortunately the Bible is clear on this and we will look at a couple of verses that will help in a second but first a question....

Who does the saving? Is it us? Do we earn it? Is it because we are good people and GOD wouldn't send good people to hell.

Remember, the Bible says that all have sinned-period (Romans 3:23). Not most. Yes even you! The only way to make it to Heaven is to be perfect..totally perfect. How can we who have already blown it- (even 1 small lie will taint you) -make it to Heaven? That is why GOD sent HIS SON, JESUS to come and live a lowly (but sinless) life as a human and then be our sacrifice on the cross. In our place - On the cross - For our sins. We add nothing to this transaction. We could not - we are tainted by sin.

The Apostle, Paul says that 'We are saved by grace (GOD'S free gift) through faith (only belief) and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of GOD, not of works (anything that we could do), lest anyone should boast.'

So we see that GOD does the saving (seems pretty basic). How could a drowning person save themselves? GOD is the lifeguard!

OK so if GOD does the saving and HE is the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR of EVERYTHING how could this come undone? We know that GOD is very good at what HE does...right?

In Romans 8.38 Paul tells us 'For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing (that includes us), shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD which is in Christ JESUS our LORD.' Read that a few times and see how totally comprehensive the list is. There is nothing that can separate us from JESUS not even ourselves. AWESOME!

So what do we do with this? Do we sit back and rest? Maybe for a minute or two. But we were made for good works. That means we are to be busy with the things of the LORD. What things are these? How about if you start by praying! Pray for your family and friends. Pray that they come to faith like you did. Pray for our country. GOD tells us to! Pray for me. I need it. I will pray for you. Read Ephesians 2.10.

See you soon! GOD Bless you! Make difference in someones life today. GOD will help you!

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