Home Town Community Church blog is an information/inspiration piece following the progress of a new faith community in the North Texas area.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Updates and Encouragement
We first announced that we were going to plant a new church in the Northeast Tarrant area with an information meeting at the North Richland Hills Library on September 1st. One week later we started meeting at Roots Coffeehouse at 9101 Blvd.26, NRH on Tuesday nights at 7. It was our desire to provide a place for folks to come and learn about GOD and Home Town Community Church. We started with a study of the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah is a great example of one man's faithfulness to the will of GOD. His people were in great distress so Nehemiah went to help them return to the things of GOD.
Roots is a great public venue for us. We are starting to recognize the regulars and even have some that listen in. But just this past week I have come to the conclusion that our Tuesday gathering may have confused some. We have had many ask how the church is coming and we tell them about the Bible study and they do not equate the two. So we are looking at an option.
I had a great opportunity to spend the last two days with 30 pastors and church planters in various sized and shaped churches. When asked about our process the general consensus was that we needed to start meeting as a church. So we are making plans to gather once a week and do a 'mini church' service.
What will this look like? We will have a short time of praise and worship through singing and then an abreviated message. We will talk about the process of launching a church and then we will pray. Pretty simple - but church nonetheless. There may even be food!
We are still talking with many people and looking for those that GOD has already prepared to join us on this incredible journey. If you are interested in coming along, let me know. It takes many gifted people to start a church. Some will stay for many years and some only for a season. If you feel led to be a part in any way - we welcome you.
The encouragement part - GOD continues to amaze us with His love. Here's something to think about - Ephesians 3:20-21. 'Now to HIM who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, according to the power that works within us, to HIM be the glory in the church and in CHRIST JESUS to all generations forever and ever. Amen.'
Spend some time and think about those words. Our GOD is amazing!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Building a City
He humbled himself in prayer for about 4 months and then went before his king to ask for help.
GOD blessed his request and so Nehemiah left to rebuild the walls and the people.
The Bible tells us that Christians are also referred to as saints. Not because of an outward perfection to be held over non-believers but because we are saved by a gracious GOD!
The greek word for saint is hagios. This means one who is set apart. We are to be set apart from the unsaved around us. No this does not mean we are to lock ourselves in our homes and hide. It means we are to live our lives in such a way that the world around us notices a difference and GOD is glorified.
Christians are supposed to be different. We should 'do life' differently. We should 'do family' diferently. We should be a light. Why is it that the divorce rate of Christians is the same as the divorce rate of unbelievers? Why is it that the problems of the world have come into the people of GOD?
I believe it is because most Christians live in the world and let the world influence their lives. Again, I am not advocating a life in a vacuum.
We are to be in the world but not of the world.
Nehemiah went to Jerusalem and built the wall around the city of GOD. But the wall had gates. The church should be the same way. We are set apart but we go out of the 'gates' to do business and have influence. The gates are there so others can come in. But we have control of the gates. What are we letting in our city? Is it things that will bring us down?
Home Town Community Church will be a 'City Within a City'. We are a group of believers that values the things of GOD and love those around us enough to tell them about JESUS.
Join us Tuesday nights at 7 at Roots Coffeehouse at 9101 Blvd.26 (Grapevine Hwy.), Ste.101, just north of NRH2o between Firehouse Subs and Chipotle across from TCC. We will save you a seat!
Sunday, September 6, 2009
We Are Off to a Great Start!
This past Tuesday we held our Information Meeting/Community Group Kick-Off.
We were very encouraged by the turn out and are excited about where GOD is leading.
We met at the North Richland Hills Public Library. The facilities were perfect and the cost was great (free!). I spoke for about 30 minutes about why we need a new church in the area. When you start to investigate the statistics of how many people live in the area and how many are not involved with a local fellowship it is staggering!
North Richland Hills was once a small farming community that grew to a peaceful suburb. But with the recent growth of the entire Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex we live in an increasingly urban area. The population density is now at about 3000 people per square mile. That means that a three mile radius includes more than 28,000 people.
I know that we live in the middle of the Bible Belt but most of our neighbors are not involved in a local church. Many are people that are new to the area and have not found a body that fits them. People tend to hang around people that are like them - this is no surprise. Many are people that have left a church or their church has left them. One needs not be a studied theologian only a current news watcher to understand that many churches and whole denominations are changing their doctrine to fit society. Many are even changing the way they interpret GOD'S Word.
It is of utmost importance that no matter what style fellowship we attend that GOD'S Word is faithfully taught and people are led to the LORD!
Let me share a couple of ways that GOD has provided for Home Town Community Church. One of the things that we have been praying for is that GOD would provide a graphic design person to help with the logo design. Melissa Glatz at Glatz Creative Design is that person! She has done a fabulous job and has provided us with exactly what we needed! Thanks Melissa!
The last part of the presentation Tuesday night I announced the beginning of our Community Groups. These are small group/home Bible studies that Home Town Community Church will grow from. We have been praying about a location for our initial group and had nothing. My dear wife, Nansii was starting to get a little concerned. But once again, exactly when we needed it GOD provided! I dropped a flyer off in a local coffee house that is close to the Library. Speaking to the guy behind the counter, I asked if it would be OK to put the flyer up on their bulletin board. He said, 'Sure! The owner of the coffee house is a Christian and she allows groups to meet in the back of the shop.' Wow! I contacted Janice at Roots Coffee House and she said she would be more than happy to let us meet. This was a couple of hours before our meeting at the Library!
It is amazing when we take a step of faith in the direction that we believe GOD is leading us how HE provides just one more firm place for our foot to land.
Tuesdays at 7pm we will gather at Roots Coffee House at 9101 Blvd.26 (Grapevine Hwy.), Ste.101 between Firehouse Subs and Chipotle Grill just north of NRH2O.
We are now praying for people!
- People who need JESUS.
- People who will join us on this amazing journey.
- People who will pray for us.
I anxiously wait for the LORD'S continued provision and pray for you!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Winner! - Winner! - Winner!
What would your attitude be when you woke up in the morning if you knew that you would be a success at the end of the day?
Talk about a sense of confidence!
Those of us who have placed our faith in JESUS and have been regenerated can truely live this way! GOD'S Word promises it!
We are told that we are GOD'S workmanship - GOD made us.
HE created us to do good things - that is our purpose.
GOD prepared those good things for us to do - we just do them.
You may be asking yourself, 'So let me get this straight - the GOD that created all things by just a word, all-powerful, immense, perfect, righteous has prepared things for us to do?' Sort of a divine project manager. Let's think about that for a moment. The first thing that comes to mind is why would HE choose me to do anything? I know me. There are sometimes that I would not choose me. I am weak - flawed - selfish - mean. Why would GOD choose me ( or you ) for anything? Now we begin to see the true nature of the LOVE of GOD. Remember, GOD loved the world enough to send JESUS to die for it so that we would have a healed relationship with HIM. If GOD loved us while we were strangers from HIM - not just strangers that did not know HIM but people that ran from HIM and sometimes hated HIM. WOW! Thats a lot of LOVE!
OK so GOD loves us. But HE still knows us. After all GOD is all-knowing - there are no secrets from GOD - GOD sees everything we do and knows every thought we think. WOW. So even if our relationship is healed with HIM. HE still knows how we really are...right? Here comes the really great part...wait for it...wait for it. When we are saved GOD has chosen to not see the bad in us any more. WHAT???? HOW CAN THAT BE???? It is true GOD only sees us through the perfection of JESUS. JESUS' sacrifice - ON THE CROSS, IN OUR PLACE, FOR OUR SINS paid the total price for all of our sins. HE took our sins and gave us HIS perfection. Now GOD only sees us as perfect. Now back to my original thought - How would you live if you knew that you could not fail?
GOD has prepared good works for us to do. How do we know what these works are? Get your head in the WORD and find them. We are told to take care of widows and orphans, we are told to tell our neighbors about JESUS, we are told to live a life that makes people wonder and when they ask us why we live like we do we tell them that we can't lose! Remember, if you have been saved - you are a winner! Lets start living like it and make a difference in our families and our community!
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Save the Date!
We are very excited to have this opportunity to show everyone what Home Town Community Church will be. You will be challenged to think of church in a new/old way. We are not about more entertainment for Christians. We searched the Bible and could not find the importance of being entertained. What we did find was the joy of being the church. We found that we have things to do. We are supposed to care for those around us. We are supposed to be JESUS to our neighbors. We are supposed to live our lives in such a way that those around us will see our good deeds and glorify our FATHER in heaven!
We know that life is hard. We know that everyone has challenges. GOD'S Word tells us that we are to help each other. I help you. You help me. We help those in our community.
Home Town Community Church will be built around Community Groups.
Community Groups are small groups that gather together and study GOD'S Word.
They are committed to each other. They do life together. They grow together. They help their neighbors together.
Speaking of helping our neighbors - There will be an opportunity to be a part of our first Community Service Project to be JESUS to one of our neighbors. We are surrounded by many people less fortunate they we. Many of our neighbors are elderly and alone, many are disabled. Home Town Community Church will be known as a group of people that are changing their community one life at a time.
We are very excited to see what GOD will do on September 1!
Tell your friends and neighbors!
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Are You a Noun or a Verb?
When we come to the point of faith and trust in Jesus and His work on the cross we are a new creation, the old is passed away. We are saved. We are set free from the bonds of sin and death.
Now what? We had only to believe for this change to occur. Do we have to do anything to stay saved? What if we are suppossed to do something and don't do it and Jesus comes back? Are we unsaved? How do we know?
Fortunately the Bible is clear on this and we will look at a couple of verses that will help in a second but first a question....
Who does the saving? Is it us? Do we earn it? Is it because we are good people and GOD wouldn't send good people to hell.
Remember, the Bible says that all have sinned-period (Romans 3:23). Not most. Yes even you! The only way to make it to Heaven is to be perfect..totally perfect. How can we who have already blown it- (even 1 small lie will taint you) -make it to Heaven? That is why GOD sent HIS SON, JESUS to come and live a lowly (but sinless) life as a human and then be our sacrifice on the cross. In our place - On the cross - For our sins. We add nothing to this transaction. We could not - we are tainted by sin.
The Apostle, Paul says that 'We are saved by grace (GOD'S free gift) through faith (only belief) and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of GOD, not of works (anything that we could do), lest anyone should boast.'
So we see that GOD does the saving (seems pretty basic). How could a drowning person save themselves? GOD is the lifeguard!
OK so if GOD does the saving and HE is the ALL POWERFUL CREATOR of EVERYTHING how could this come undone? We know that GOD is very good at what HE does...right?
In Romans 8.38 Paul tells us 'For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing (that includes us), shall be able to separate us from the love of GOD which is in Christ JESUS our LORD.' Read that a few times and see how totally comprehensive the list is. There is nothing that can separate us from JESUS not even ourselves. AWESOME!
So what do we do with this? Do we sit back and rest? Maybe for a minute or two. But we were made for good works. That means we are to be busy with the things of the LORD. What things are these? How about if you start by praying! Pray for your family and friends. Pray that they come to faith like you did. Pray for our country. GOD tells us to! Pray for me. I need it. I will pray for you. Read Ephesians 2.10.
See you soon! GOD Bless you! Make difference in someones life today. GOD will help you!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
Inside Out Christians
We are no longer condemned in our sins thanks to the sacrifice of Jesus!
We are truely changed. But when we look in the mirror we look the same. This means when others look at us we look the same. Do you live your life the same?
My friends, I would like to issue you a challenge. Let's Live our Lives INSIDE OUT. Let's live our lives so that the world sees whats inside of us.
Here's the challenge for you - read one of the Gospels this week and observe the life of Jesus. I am not asking you to heal the sick or walk on water. How about just a glass of water to a thirsty person? Jesus used any opportunity to tell others about His mission. How about paying for an elderly person's meal at McDonald's the next time you are there? Mowing your neighbors lawn?
When they look at you and ask why? Tell them you are LIVING INSIDE OUT! Remember we are ministering to Jesus in these moments. How's that? Whenever you do to the least of these, you have done to Me.
We are Jesus to the world around us. Let's not keep it a secret. Let's change our community! Home Town Community Church will be a place where we learn to Live Our Faith INSIDE OUT!
Friday, July 10, 2009
Home Town Community Church will be a place where that is happening!
Making Disciples - One of the most important things a pastor can do is to teach his flock to be disciples.
-Loving Each Other.
-Making a Difference in Our Community.
-Telling Our Friends and Neighbors About JESUS.
-Raising Happy Families.
Baptizing - We believe that the Bible teaches that baptism is not a requirement for salvation. But we also believe that all Christians should be baptised. This is part of our public proclamation of the change in our lives as believers.
The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit - We believe that GOD exists in the mysterious union of the Trinity. Each of the members of the Godhead are co-equal and co-eternal. They have always been and always will be!
Teaching them to Observe all Things Jesus Commanded - Teaching through the entire Word of GOD in an exciting and relevant way that leads you into a deeper relationship with our Creator!
We will be adding a complete doctrinal statement in the next few days.
So where is this church?
When do you meet?
How can we be a part?
Home Town Community Church is starting a Core Group Bible Study in early August. This will be the group that helps to birth this new church. We are very excited about the path that we are on and are ready for you to be a part. We do not want to 'steal' believers from other churches. What we do want is to provide a place for believers that are not involved in church at this time and want to be a part of a new and exciting project.
If this sounds like what you have been looking for or if you know someone that is ready for a real change send me an email at bryan@GotDirtdfw.com and I will get back to you ASAP.
In the meantime pray for us and we will pray for you! GOD Bless You!
Monday, June 15, 2009
Welcome to Home Town Community Church
We have been asked why plant a church in this area? This is a very valid question. There seem to be churches everywhere and yet the local demographics show that the majority of our neighbors do not attend anywhere. There is a tremendous need. Many of our college aged neighbors are not involved in church. Many of our elderly are not involved in church.
It is our desire to build a body of joyful, loving believers centered around the ancient truths of the Word of God, worshipping God in every waking moment by living our lives as Christ would have us to His glory. The problem is there is a hurting world just outside our door that most Christians ignore. We would love for you to be a part of the solution. For additional info you can email me at bryan@GotDirtdfw.com