Monday, September 13, 2010

A Time to be Born

As most of you are aware HomeTown Community Church is a ministry partner with Mid Cities Pregnancy Center. MCPC does a tremendous work saving the lives of the many potentially aborted children each year.

The North Richland Hills location sees almost 300 ladies a month and provides free pregnancy testing. Of those 300 about half are pregnant and the vast majority choose to deliver their baby. MCPC does a free ultrasound for the mothers. When they are faced with the truth that there is a living baby inside of them they will usually make the right decision.

Unfortunately, Planned Parenthood will not show these women an ultrasound and when asked about the pregnancy their approved response is to ask the mothers, 'What do you want it to be?'

They will not speak the truth. This is more of Post Modernism eroding the world around us. Post Modernism teaches that everything is relative and there is no truth. What is true for you may not be true for me. Our modern universities are full of this teaching.

This makes it extremely difficult to share the love of CHRIST with the dying world around. If there is no truth then we lose JESUS' statement that HE, alone is the way and the truth and the light and that no man can come to the Father except through Him.

Post Modernism will teach that all ways lead to GOD. It also teaches that you can believe that the heart of the unborn person beating inside of you belongs to a simple blob of your own tissue.

I praise GOD that we have the technology of ultrasound to show beyond a shadow of a doubt that a baby is still a baby. And I thank GOD for places like Mid Cities Pregnancy Center.

HTCC has been given the honor to host a table at their annual banquet, 'A Time to be Born', October 7th at 7pm in Euless, Texas. The featured speaker is Pam Tebow, the mother of Heisman Trophy winner, Tim Tebow. Pam has a very compelling story of a doctor treating her for a serious disease in the Philippines and recommending that to save her life she should abort her son, Tim.

If you would like to hear Pam Tebow's testimony please let me know. There are a limited number of seats and there is no cost for the dinner and program. You will be asked to contribute to the vital ministry of MCPC.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

GOD has been busy!

I just wanted to take a second and share how GOD has blessed these past few months. We are approaching our one year anniversary since the ROOTS Coffeehouse Community Group started!

The Tuesday night group has seen some amazing things! Our typical Tuesday Group spends some time studying GOD's Word, praying for each other and just hanging out drinking great coffee!

We have worked our way through the books of Nehemiah, Esther and are just finishing an indepth study of First John. We have seen how GOD providentially works His plan through His people to bring about His great blessings. We learned that GOD's will for His people can be summed up in following the commandments of JESUS.

Follow GOD and Love People.

We have seen people come and people go. People move in and out of the area. People find jobs. People healed. Relationships restored. A wedding. Salvation!

All of time we follow our mission -

Love JESUS - Love People - Serve the Community

May 7th we were blessed with opportunity to pour into a local ministry. 'An Evening of Blessing' started as an idea to raise some money for Mid Cities Pregnancy Center. MCPC sees almost 300 women each month who may be pregnant and may be considering abortion. We wondered what a small group of faithful believers could do to make an impact in this worthy ministry.

We prayed and GOD blessed!

We staged a benefit concert at ROOTS Coffeehouse. Cody Carnes, Dara Joy, Josh Alltop and Marcus Raven performed! GOD packed the place out and people were generous. They gave baby clothes, diapers and alot of money. Since then we have had ladies make baby blankets for new babies and continue to be involved with MCPC.

The Christian Men's Prayer Lunch that meets together every month to pray for each other and others is a good thing. There also is a regular email devotional that goes out almost daily to connect guys together through prayer. Send me an email if you want to be included. We have seen many positive things come through that ministry!

There is talk about starting more home and community groups that connect the unchurched and lost together to grow in CHRIST.

We do not know what the future holds but we will be faithful because we know who holds the future! GOD has great things for those that seek Him.

May you all be richly blessed by our GOD who loves you!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

For Such a Time as This!

We have been going through the great story of Esther at our Tuesday Night Gatherings at Roots Coffeehouse. Last night we were in the fourth chapter of the story.

Esther has been named the new queen of Persia by King Xerxes and all seems well. Except now the King has named Haman prime minister of all the land and the people are required to bow to him. Esther's uncle Mordecai refuses. Haman notices and is now crazy mad. He wants Mordecai killed. But then he finds out that Mordecai is a Jew so now he wants all of the Jews killed.

Persia at that time had 35 million living there and was roughly as large as the continental United States. There are hundreds of thousands of Jews living amongst the peoples. The decree goes out to kill them all in 12 months. The country is in an uproar.

These people have intermarried with the Persians and are friends and neighbors and business people in the society. Naturally, Mordecai asks Queen Esther to talk to the king. The problem is she can not just go talk to him. Tradition held that the King must summon you or you could die for just walking in on him. Esther is scared. I would be too.

But then Mordecai tells her those famous words, 'Don't think you will escape death by being in the palace. You can not do nothing. And besides, who knows if you are here 'for such a time as this''.

We all have such a time as this moments. Moments when we can not see more than one step ahead and we are scared. I want to challenge you right now to look at how GOD has worked in your life to bring you to such a time as this. Do you think that HE would leave you now?

GOD has worked in our lives
to place us exactly where he wants at just the right time.

My challenge to you is to boldly take that next step and to trust that GOD will be there just as HE has been with you in the past. No, life will not be easy. We are never promised 'easy'. But what we are promised is that GOD will be there. HE has things for us to do that we can not even imagine. Be bold for Jesus.

Take that step.
Talk to that person.
Do a little more.
Give a little more.
Trust HIM a little more.

Ephesians 3:20-21 tells us, 'Now to HIM that is able to do exceedingly, abundantly above all we can ask or think, according to the power that works in us, unto HIM be glory in the church by JESUS CHRIST through all ages...'

May you be blessed as you live for our LORD!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Thoughts on the Verge Conference


Nansii and I had the great opportunity to attend 'Verge 2010' in Austin this past weekend. Big thanks to the EFCA for sending us!

Verge 2010 - Missional Community Conference - over 2000 Church leaders from all over committed to be the church that JESUS wants.

Many things may come to mind when you see 'missional' and 'community'. Sounds kind of weird - maybe even 'new age-y'. Before we better illustrate these concepts, let me take a few words to reiterate where I am at on the whole 'church thing'.

I have felt for a long time that church in America has been broken. We have attended small churches, we have attended large churches and the problems seem the same. America is filled with 'spectator christians'. What is a spectator christian? It is someone who attends a church, even regularly, and that is it. There is no involvement besides just showing up. It's like all you have to do is punch the Sunday morning time clock and you are good to go.

Don't get me wrong, I am not jumping on the people in the pews. It is the fault of church leaders who have created a machine that draws people in and that's it.

Willow Creek Church recently released a report called 'The Reveal Study'. What that study showed was that Willow Creek - the leader of the 'seeker-sensitive movement' - is not doing a good job. They have programs and events for everyone and are touching thousands of lives but few people are actually growing in their faith. This is not unique to them. I believe that this is the current norm across America.

When we read the story of the church in the Bible we do not see 'spectator church', we see 'participant church'. Everyone is supposed to be involved.

The great commission - Matthew 28.19-20 - to go and make disciples is a command for everybody, these are Jesus' last words to all of us.

The great commandment - Matthew 22.37-39 - to love GOD with everything you have and to love people like you love yourself - this is Jesus' teaching for everyone.

We can not be a spectator and make disciples or love GOD and people.

We must get in the game.

We must get our hands dirty.

This is going to be work.

But it is work that is more satisfying than anything that we have ever done.

What is 'Missional Living'? It is 'sent' living. We have been commissioned by JESUS to go - to be the church to the world around us. The idea of 'Missional Community' is the idea of being invested in the lives and partnered together with a group of like-minded people, doing church together.

HomeTown Community Church is founded on this essential teaching.

Love JESUS - Love People - Serve the Community

We are committed to creating communities of people on the journey toward Jesus doing life together. Helping each other to be the church and making a difference in the world around us.
Remember Jesus said to 'Let your light so shine before men that they would see your good works and glorify your Father in Heaven!'

If any of this resonates with your spirit we invite you to join us on this greatest journey. It will not be easy - but it could be the best thing you ever do.

If you are local to North Texas - join us at Roots Coffeehouse, Tuesdays at 7pm - .
If you want to help start a group in your home - we would love to help you. Shoot me an email -

My hope is that this challenges you to re-think church.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Coffee and Jesus: Tuesday Nights

We are very excited to be able to be in conversation about GOD's Word every Tuesday night at 7pm. We meet at Roots Coffeehouse in North Richland Hills

Thanks Roots!

This past Tuesday we finished a long look at the book of Nehemiah. Nehemiah was a sincere GOD-follower who lived over 2400 years ago in the Middle East. He left his home and traveled to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls around the city and the lives of the people. He was met with much opposition and could have quit in discouragement many times but he kept going and finished the work. You should check it out - it's a great read with a great lesson for us today.

A New Series!

We are very excited to announce our next study. We will take the next few weeks and look at the book of Esther! It is a tremendous story of an unlikely heroine. It is filled with thrilling adventure, a devious villian and some surprising plot twists! Plus - there are some great lessons there for us today.

Please join us if you can for our next series -

"For Such a Time as This"

A study in the book of Esther

Starting January 26, 2010
Roots Coffeehouse - 9101 Blvd.26, North Richland Hills

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year!

Well, thanks to all of you who have informed me that I am taking too much time in between postings. I resolve to be more frequent!

First, a little check-in on the progress is due. When last I posted way back in October I talked about the need to move to a Sunday morning meeting. We have the go ahead to use a good facility that will hold about 45 people when we are ready. At this time we are not quite ready. We are still in the gathering mode.

I must admit that I have not spent a bunch of time talking to new folks about joining us on this wonderfully exciting journey. The Christmas/New Years season is a busy time for our business and takes additional chunks of my time. That coupled with 3 long weekend trips to families over Thanksgiving and Christmas and where has the time gone?

We are still meeting at Roots Coffeehouse every Tuesday night at 7pm at 9091 Blvd.26, ste.101, NRH just north of NRH20 and across the street from TCC Northeast. Its a great location and the coffee is excellent! Tell your friends!

We will start a more frequent email campaign to generate interest and keep folks informed. We will also upgrade our website to contain more information about Home Town Community Church.

So all that said...It's 2010! A New Year! A great time to look back on the past year. How has your life changed in the last 12 months?

Do you have a better understanding of the big questions in life?

Where are you going?

Where did you come from?

Why are you here?

Hopefully you have seen the hand of GOD at work in your life - drawing you to HIM, providing for you and protecting you.

Take some time and look back. Then take some time and look ahead. What will 2010 be like for you? Will you be closer to GOD?

We would love for you to join us on our journey. We believe that GOD has us where HE wants us and has given us a huge project to be a part of. A project to point the lost to JESUS. Encourage the believers to love each other more deeply. And to reach out to our community in a way that they will see JESUS at work every day!

If you need some more info send me an email and I would happy to share our vision for Home Town Community Church with you!

Here's to a great 2010! GOD Bless you all!